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Metrc Bridge

Want to Learn More About Metrc?

Watch our Metrc Master Series!
Industry leaders from Distru, Trym and Meadow walk you through the entire Cannabis supply chain from Seed to Sale.

Get a Birds Eye View of Sales Activities

  • Filter tasks for specific reps for specific dates so you can see what is completed and when the next upcoming task(s) are
  • Users can search for a location or browse by zooming in and out on the map, and filter to see companies by a variety of attributes including category, relationship type, and more
App screenshots of customer map features

Happy Distru Operators


With over a 99% customer support satisfaction rating!

Average CS Response Time

5 min

For normal business hours, longer for you night owls!

Hours Saved


Per Operator - and that's just this year!

Have Specific Questions?

We've seen it all before, and we're here to help.